Hi  : )

Welcome to my li’l space.DSC07413bnw

My name is Namrata and this is just a creative outlet for me.

I love all things creative, natural, beautiful, and minimal. I started this blog to share my interests and hopefully inspire and help others, and ultimately have fun in doing so. I’ve always thought having a blog was exciting, so here I am!

Right now, you’ll find mostly DIY’s around my blog. I go by the mantra: Why buy when you can DIY? Haha. I love trying to make the most of what I have and finding ways to reuse and revamp things.

I’m petite and I know it. So since the small frame, hence the blog name (in case you were curious). Haha.

Thank you for stopping by!

♥ Namrata.


2 thoughts on “A B O U T

    1. petitepieces Post author

      Thank you so much, that means a lot coming from an experienced blogger!
      And you’re welcome! I will be coming back to your blog more to check out your decor projects 🙂



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